Discurso por Stephan Schmidheiny, Sociedad Macro-Económica de Zúrich, Zúrich, Suiza.
Discurso por Stephan Schmidheiny, Sociedad Macro-Económica de Zúrich, Zúrich, Suiza.
Conferencia en el Seminario de Medio Ambiente, Escuela Politécnica Federal de Zúrich (ETH), Zúrich, Suiza.
Discurso por Stephan Schmidheiny, Presidente, Consejo Empresarial para el Desarrollo Sostenible, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Discurso de reconocimiento de Stephan Schmidheiny, Doctorado Honorario otorgado por el Instituto Centroamericana de Administración de Empresas (INCAE), San José de Costa Rica, Costa Rica.
Conferencia de Stephan Schmidheiny en la presentación del libro “Financing Change“, Escuela Politécnica Federal de Zúrich (ETH), Zúrich, Suiza.
Discurso por Stephan Schmidheiny en la feria Brainfair – Semana Internacional del Cerebro, Escuela Politécnica Federal de Zúrich (ETH), Zúrich, Suiza.
Stephan Schmidheiny, discurso de reconocimiento en la Universidad de Rollins, Florida, EE.UU.
Discurso por Stephan Schmidheiny en la ocasión de la firma de un acuerdo entre la Corporación Financiera Internacional y Fundes, Washington D.C., EE.UU.
La serie de Estudios de Caso de VIVA Trust intenta describir proyectos en los que la cooperación entre diferentes sectores de la sociedad conduzca a resultados sinérgicos, especialmente exitosos y a un desarrollo más sostenible de la sociedad.
El tercer Estudio de Caso de la serie se dedica a un proyecto de la sociedad civil: el Club Atlético Defensores del Chaco. El ejemplo documenta muy bien la forma en que una iniciativa espontánea y local de unos jóvenes argentinos ha conducido a materializar un proyecto internacional, abriendo nuevas perspectivas a su comunidad y ofreciendo a la vez nuevas oportunidades a miles de otros jóvenes.
Este Estudio de Caso es el tercero escrito por el Dr. Roberto Artavia L., quien fuera rector de INCAE Business School hasta mayo del 2007.
El Prefacio fue escrito por Bernardo Toro A., consejero de la Fundación AVINA, considerado uno de los más profundos conocedores de la sociedad civil latinoamericana.
Este segundo estudio de caso describe una historia exitoso del mundo empresarial: MASISA Concordia, que forma parte del GrupoNueva y a su vez pertenece a VIVA TRUST. La colaboración entre la gerencia general de MASISA, la Fundación AVINA y otros actores de la Sociedad Civil así como GrupoNueva, cuya filosofía se basa en la línea de triple resultado (éxito financiero, social y ecológico), ha conducido a una organización exitosa que, en forma responsable, ocupa un lugar ejemplar dentro de la sociedad.
Este estudio de caso, así como el primero, fue desarrollado por el Dr. Roberto Artavia L., quien fuera rector de INCAE Business School. El prefacio está escrito por el Dr. Stephan Schmidheiny, fundador del concepto de “Eco-eficiencia” y quien ha encontrado en este caso un verdadero ejemplo de su visión.
Con este Estudio de Caso, VIVATrust presenta una serie de publicaciones que describen diversos proyectos que han alcanzado un alto impacto en términos del desarrollo sostenible de una sociedad o sus empresas.
Este caso documenta la notable y próspera cooperación entre INCAE Business School y la Fundación Avina. Es uno de los primeros proyectos grandes con los que Avina y nuestro fundador, Stephan Schmidheiny, se involucraron en América Latina, por lo que nos place de manera especial que él escriba el prefacio. Peter Fuchs, Expresidente de Viva Trust
En esta publicación hay testimonios de personas cercanas a VIVA Trust que a partir de la sociedad civil y de la empresa están cotidianamente demostrando que es posible, desde el arte y la cultura, contribuir a la organización y movilización de la sociedad en la búsqueda de espacios y oportunidades de desarrollo para todos.
Las numerosas preguntas que suelen hacerme acerca de mis motivaciones y acciones demuestran que mi manera de ser y hacer las cosas no necesariamente obedece a la lógica habitual, por lo cual resulta difícil de explicar. Una parte de la respuesta reside seguramente en mi trayectoria y mi Weltanschauung, mi visión del mundo, que a continuación quisiera resumir para mis amigos y socios.
Creo que mucho de lo que soy en la actualidad ya era parte de mi persona durante los primeros años de mi vida, en mi infancia y adolescencia.
Mi padre Max, y otros miembros de mi familia hablaban de negocios en mi presencia, y el espíritu emprendedor era una larga tradición entre los Schmidheiny. Mi bisabuelo sentó las bases cuando abrió su primera fábrica de ladrillos en Heerbrugg, al este de Suiza. Mi abuelo invirtió a su vez en la incipiente industria del cemento y, posteriormente, en el negocio del asbesto. En la siguiente generación, éstas y otras inversiones tales como las realizadas en WILD-LEITZ y BBC Brown Boveri, representaron el espíritu emprendedor de mi padre, Max y su hermano Ernst.Fragmento autobiografía por Stephan Schmidheiny, Fundador de VIVA Trust
Cuando trabajaba como delegado del Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR) en las regiones en estado de guerra de Nicaragua y El Salvador, mis compañeros y yo teníamos que enfrentarnos a la presencia permanente de la crisis. En la Argentina, junto con las representaciones de AVINA, he vivido el comienzo de la gran crisis y la transición de un estado normal a un estado de disturbios, incertidumbre e inseguridad.
Finalmente, en una reciente visita a AMANCO Argentina, me informé sobre la manera como la empresa había superado su estado de crisis.Fragmento prefacio por Peter Fuchs, Expresidente de VIVA Trust
En el año 1994, cuando todavía era director general del Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR), estaba convencido de que después del fin de la Guerra Fría tendríamos que buscar nuevas soluciones para evitar conflictos armados. El desarrollo más sostenible de las sociedades, que crearía mejores condiciones de vida, podría convertirse en una de las claves más importantes para dar con nuevas soluciones, pero ¿quién podría contribuir a este desarrollo? ¿Los gobiernos? Hasta cierto punto, sin duda. Sin embargo, los gobiernos por sí solos no lo habían logrado en el pasado ¿El sector privado?Fragmento prefacio por Peter Fuchs, Expresidente de VIVA Trust
Versión trilingüe: español, portugués, inglés (pdf) Versión español (no impresa, pdf) English version (not printed, pdf) Versão português (não impressa, pdf)
Hace 10 años, en el proceso de pensar la Fundación AVINA, Stephan Schmidheiny advirtió que la transformación social no se lograría solamente por medio de programas y proyectos, sino a través de personas. Personas con liderazgo. Líderes. En VIVA todo se trata de liderazgo. AVINA trabaja con personas que han demostrado ser líderes.
GrupoNueva tiene la gran ambición de ser líder en la aplicación del triple bottomline ser exitoso en términos económicos, sociales y ambientales, así como también en cuestiones de calidad y mercados. VIVA aspira a liderar el desarrollo de un nuevo modelo de negocios en donde la sociedad civil y las empresas trabajen juntas e íntimamente relacionadas hacia un desarrollo de empresa y sociedad más sostenible.Fragmento prefacio por Peter Fuchs, Expresidente de VIVA TRUST
Stephan Schmidheiny sobre el desarrollo sostenible, la Cumbre de la Tierra, el cambio climático y la falta de respuesta durante el acto de lanzamiento de Fundación Latinoamérica Posible en San José, Costa Rica, en 2008.
Stephan Schmidheiny sobre la fundación de WBCSD y RSE durante el acto de lanzamiento de Fundación Latinoamérica Posible en San José, Costa Rica, en 2008.
Stephan Schmidheiny sobre la fundación de Avina y Viva Trust durante el acto de lanzamiento de Fundación Latinoamérica Posible en San José, Costa Rica, en 2008.
Stephan Schmidheiny sobre la fundación de CLACDS en INCAE, la formalización del conocimiento sobre el desarrollo sostenible en los Ensayos de Baar y la creación de la Fundación Latinoamérica Posible.
VIVA es un nuevo modelo de negocios y filantropía. Es una innovadora organización que combina actividades productivas y filantrópicas en una sola estrategia. Desde hace 10 años pretende fomentar prosperidad y desarrollo de la región mediante una alianza entre empresas económica, social y ambientalmente.
Fundación Avina busca construir liderazgos sociales que permitan avanzar hacia formas sostenibles de desarrollo, con un crecimiento económico continuo que ofrezca más oportunidades a una mayor cantidad de habitantes, y al mismo tiempo permita proteger el medio ambiente.
La Fundación para el Desarrollo Sostenible, FUNDES, fue creada conjuntamente en 1984 por Stephan Schmidheiny y el arzobispo de Panamá, Marcos McGrath. Es una iniciativa sin fines de lucro que tiene como objetivo promover el desarrollo sostenible del sector privado en América Latina. www.fundes.org
Desde sus inicios, MarViva opera como una organización no gubernamental (ONG) sin fines de lucro, orientada a la conservación y el uso sostenible de los bienes marinos y costeros con especial atención a las áreas marinas protegidas.
Somos un centro de pensamiento y acción que busca contribuir a resolver los principales retos de sostenibilidad de América Latina.
¿Cómo lo hacemos? Mediante la investigación, el fortalecimiento de capacidades y la gestión del conocimiento, para construir una sociedad más próspera, equitativa y sostenible.
With the creation of a brick factory in Heerbrugg, Switzerland, Jacob Schmidheiny, Stephan’s great-grandfather, lays the foundation of the family business.
Brown, Boveri & Cie. is founded in 1891 in Baden, Switzerland, by Charles Eugene Lancelot Brown and Walter Boveri.
The Eternit company is founded in Italy, a corporation with numerous local shareholders and a few foreign shareholders.
Ernest Schmidheiny I, Stephan’s grandfather, invests in the emerging cement industry through Holderbank (now called Holcim) and then in the processing of asbestos, through Eternit Switzerland.
On October 29, 1947, Stephan Ernest Schmidheiny is born in Balgach, St. Gallen, Switzerland. He is the second of four siblings, the children of Max Schmidheiny and Adda Schmidheiny – Scherrer.
Stephan Schmidheiny works in an Eternit factory in Brazil, performing tasks that bring him in direct contact with asbestos.
After studying law, he obtains a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from the University of Zurich, Switzerland.
The Swiss Eternit Group (SEG) becomes the largest shareholder of the Italian company Eternit SpA. The ILO convenes a meeting of experts to debate the safe use of asbestos. Subsequently, the international body publishes the report “Asbestos: Health Risks and their Prevention”.
Stephan Schmidheiny is formally named Head of Sales for Eternit A.G in Niederurnen, Switzerland.
Schmidheiny is named General Manager and member of the Board of Directors of Eternit A.G. in Niederurnen, Switzerland.
Schmidheiny succeeds his father as General Director of the Swiss Eternit Group (SEG), becoming responsible for a conglomerate of companies with factories in more than 20 countries.
He promotes the “New Technology” program, a pioneering, innovative initiative to find a substitute for asbestos in the manufacturing of panels and other products, as well as to set up safety measures to protect workers in Swiss Eternit Group (SEG) plants across the world.
Schmidheiny becomes a member of the Board of Directors (1978 – 1996) of the Union Bank of Switzerland (which later becomes UBS).
The ILO convenes again with an emphasis on the need to adopt international standards for the prevention and control of the risks caused by exposure to asbestos, as well as the urgent need to produce a set of practical recommendations for the safe handling of asbestos. The document “Safety in the Use of Asbestos” is published in 1984. The majority of the recommendations had already been put into practice voluntarily by Eternit before the ILO published the code of practice.
Schmidheiny publicly announces that the Swiss Eternit Group (SEG) will stop manufacturing products that contain asbestos due to the potential human and environmental problems associated with the mineral. SEG takes this radical step before the majority of European countries adopt legislation banning asbestos and certainly before the rest of the world, given that in several countries in Latin America the use of asbestos as a raw material for construction products is still legal and quite prevalent to this day.
Schmidheiny joins the Board of Directors (1981 – 1997) of Brown, Boveri & Cie., a position from which he promotes a merger with Asea, forming Asea Brown Boveri (ABB) in 1988. Schmidheiny steps down from the position in 1997.
He starts to diversify his investments and acquires the Swiss newspaper kiosk company, Distral Group.
Schmidheiny enters the Latin American market for the first time, investing in the forestry industry in Chile through the company Terranova.
Six years after Stephan Schmidheiny started a workplace safety and innovation program at Swiss Eternit Group (SEG) plants, and months after Schmidheiny issued the order for SEG to exit the asbestos industry completely, Sweden becomes the first nation in the world to prohibit the use of asbestos.
His father, Max Schmidheiny, hands over control of the Swiss Eternit Group (SEG) to Stephan and turns the cement company Holderbank (later called Holcim) over to his brother, Thomas.
The Swiss Eternit Group (SEG) plants manage to manufacture numerous asbestos-free products, replacing it with a component based on paper pulp. SEG becomes less competitive due to the high production costs.
Stephan Schmidheiny and the archbishop of Panama, Marcos McGrath, create FUNDES, a foundation to build the capacity of small and medium sized businesses in Latin America.
Schmidheiny acquires a third of the shares of the SMH group, the largest manufacturer of Swiss watches. He actively participates in the restructuring of the company, which leads to the formation of the successful Swatch Group.
The mayor of Casale Monferrato, Italy sends a personal letter to Schmidheiny, explaining his concern about the effects that the closing of the Eternit factory in his town could have on the labor market.
Schmidheiny becomes a Board Member of Landis & Gyr, a firm dedicated to energy management. One year later he becomes the majority shareholder and in 1995 he sells his shares to Elektrowatt. He steps down from the board in 1996.
He is elected as President of the International Management Institute (IMI) in Geneva. In 1989, he promotes a merger with IMEDE to form the International Management Development (IMD) business school in Lausana, Switzerland. Schmidheiny steps down from the Board of the IMD Foundation in 1992.
Eternit SpA Italy declares bankruptcy. An official receiver takes control of the company, eliminating the Swiss Eternit Group’s (SEG) role in its administration. The bankruptcy liquidation lasts until 2008.
Schmidheiny becomes a Board Member of Nestlé (1988 – 2003).
Eternit Switzerland sells its shares in Eternit Brazil and Amindus Holding to the Saint Gobain firm. After these sales, Schmidheiny no longer holds any shares in these companies.
In 1988 Schmidheiny starts the process of selling the Swiss Eternit Group (SEG), which concludes in 1989. The shares are sold to the legal buyers with all the corresponding rights and responsibilities.
He acquires Wild-Leitz, a company that in 1990 merges with Cambridge Instruments, creating Leica Microsystems, which currently has factories in five countries and sales and services in more than 20 countries.
Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), names Schmidheiny Chief Advisor for Trade and Industry, due to his reputation as a pioneer in social and environmental issues, in preparation for the Earth Summit to be held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.
Switzerland bans the processing of asbestos, nine years after Stephan Schmidheiny announced that he would eliminate its usage in Swiss Eternit Group (SEG) plants.
Schmidheiny founds the Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD), along with high ranking executives from different industries and regions, to inform his work as chief adviser to the Secretary General of the UNCED. The first meeting takes place in The Hague.
Together with Hernando de Soto, he publishes the book “Las nuevas reglas del juego: Hacia el desarrollo sostenible en América Latina” (“The New Rules of the Game: Towards Sustainable Development in Latin America”).
Stephan’s father, Max Schmidheiny, passes away.
Italy introduces national rules according to the regulation issued by the European Union in 1983 regarding the maximum concentration of asbestos fibers permitted for industrial uses.
Italy bans the processing of asbestos six years after Eternit closed its Italian factories.
Schmidheiny publishes and is the main author of the best-seller “Changing Course: A Global Business Perspective for Development and Environment”, with the results from the work of the BCSD.
Stephan’s younger brother, Alexander Schmidheiny, passes away at an early age and leaves Stephan the Daros art collection, which was created together with Thomas Ammann in the 1980s. From 2001 to 2008, some of the pieces from the Daros Collection were shown at exhibitions in Löwenbräu-Areal, Switzerland. Since
Schmidheiny is designated as a member of the Board of the World Resources Institute (WRI), headquartered in Washington (1993 – 2001).
Stephan receives an honorary doctorate from the INCAE Business School, Costa Rica.
Schmidheiny founds Avina Stiftung in Switzerland, a foundation that promotes social and ecological sustainability, combining philanthropic work with an entrepreneurial spirit.
Together with Bruno Fritsch and Walter Seifritz, he publishes the book “Towards an Ecologically Sustainable Growth Society: Physical Foundations, Economic Transitions, and Political Constraints”.
After the Earth Summit, the members of the BCSD merge with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) to form the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).
In honor of his brother who passed away in 1992, Stephan creates the Alexander Schmidheiny Stiftung, a foundation to support cultural, social, and environmental projects and activities.
Schmidheiny establishes the Alliance for Global Sustainability (AGS), a partnership among the four most important scientific and technological universities in the world. He serves as president of the International Advisory Board between 1996 and 2001.
He creates the Centro Latinoamericano para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo Sostenible (Center for Latin American Competitiveness and Sustainable Development - CLACDS) at the INCAE Business School in Costa Rica, together with Brizio Biondi-Morra and Roberto Artavia.
Stephan receives an honorary doctorate from Yale University, New Haven.
Together with Federico Zorraquín and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Schmidheiny edits “Financing Change: The Financial Community, Eco-efficiency, and Sustainable Development”.
He publishes the book “Sustainable Development: The Financial Markets in a Paradigm Shift,” together with Rolf Gerling.
Stephan Schmidheiny recieves the “Ordem Nacional do Cruzeiro do Sul” (“Order of the Southern Cross”) award from then president of Brazil, Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
Schmidheiny is named co-president (1997 – 1998) of the OECD’s High Level Advisory Group on the Environment. His recommendation to make sustainability a general principle of the organization serve as the basis for a Ministerial Meeting of the OECD in 1998.
Stephan Schmidheiny creates the holding company Grupo Nueva, which encompasses his investments in companies in Latin America —Terranova (later called Masisa), Grupo Amanco, and Ecos— and is committed to the three areas of corporate responsibility: financial, social and environmental.
Together with Jeff Gates he publishes the book “Ownership Solution: Toward a Shared Capitalism for the 21st Century”.
Schmidheiny is named Honorary President of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).
Schmidheiny, together with Ruth, his former wife, create Daros Latin America, an art institution headquartered in Zurich with the goal of creating and conserving a collection of contemporary Latin American art. Since 2013, it offers activities for the public at the Casa Daros (Daros House) in Rio de Janeiro.
In line with his humanitarian mission, Stephan Schmidheiny tasks Becon A.G. with a plan to analyze possible ways of helping with situations caused by asbestos.
Stephan receives an honorary doctorate from Rollings University, Florida.
Stephan receives an honorary doctorate from Universidad Católica de Andrés Bello in Caracas, Venezuela.
Schmidheiny establishes Fundación Avina in Latin America to promote social and business leadership for sustainable development in the region.
Schmidheiny publishes the book “Walking the Talk: The Business Case for Sustainable Development,” together with Chad Holliday and Philip Watts.
Together with Erika Knie, he founds Fundación MarViva, a non-profit entity focused on the conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal resources in the Eastern Tropical Pacific.
Through Grupo Nueva, Schmidheiny acquires a majority stake in the forestry company Masisa, headquartered in Chile and with forestry and industrial operations in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Venezuela.
Schmidheiny establishes an irrevocable trust, VIVA TRUST, donating all of the stock and investments of the Grupo Nueva holding group, a cash sum, and other liquid investments. The donation, with a total value of more than 1 billion USD, ensures the long-term sustainability of Avina and Fundes and the continuity of their philanthropic activities in Latin America. After the creation of this trust, Schmidheiny announces his gradual retirement from executive functions.
The shareholders of Terranova approve a merger with Masisa. The new company is named Masisa S.A.
Stephan Schmidheiny publishes an autobiography titled “My Path - My Perspective.”
Becon A.G. starts to give out humanitarian aid to the former employees (or the families of former employees) of Eternit SpA in Italy.
Amanco, part of Grupo Nueva, is sold to Mexican firm Mexichem.
Plycem Company, also part of GrupoNueva, is sold to Mexican company Mexalit Industrial. After these sales, the productive activities of the companies in VIVA TRUST are concentrated in the forestry industry.
Schmidheiny participates in the creation of Fundación Latinoamérica Posible (LAP) with the goal of promoting the growing and responsible participation of the productive sector in the sustainable development of communities and nations.
Schmidheiny expands the humanitarian aid program that was first started in 2007 through Becon A.G. to people affected by asbestos living in the areas surrounding the Eternit SpA industrial plants.
In Turin, Italy, the Criminal Court of first instance begins criminal proceedings against the Belgian Baron Louis de Cartier de Marchienne and against Stephan Schmidheiny, in his capacity as shareholder of the Italian company Eternit SpA.
The authors René Lüchinger and Ueli Burkhard publish a biography about Stephan Schmidheiny titled “Stephan Schmidheiny: The Long Journey to Find Himself. Heir - Entrepreneur – Philanthropist.”
On February 13th, The Criminal Court of Turin rules in the case of Eternit SpA and sentences Baron Louis de Cartier and Stephan Schmidheiny to prison. The ruling sustains that they were responsible for causing an “intentional disaster” and for “intentional non-compliance with safety measures” in two of the four Eternit SpA production plants.
Upon hearing an appeal of the sentence, the Court of Appeals in Turin pronounces a new ruling confirming the sentencing of Stephan Schmidneiny, changing the charges and increasing the length of the sentence. Baron Louis de Cartier de Marchienne passes away before the sentence is handed down.
In order to celebrate the 10th anniversary of VIVA TRUST, the Centro de Intercambio de Conocimientos (Center for Knowledge Exchange - CiC) is launched, with the goal of sharing lessons learned by the organizations created by Schmidheiny and to inspire a new generation of social and business entrepreneurs in Latin America and around the world.
By this date, more than 1,500 people affected by asbestos from the north and south of Italy have received humanitarian aid from Becon A.G. since 2007.
On November 19, Italy’s highest court, the Corte Suprema di Cassazione in Rome, overturned the June 2013 verdict of the Turin Court of Appeals and acquitted Stephan Schmidheiny. Italy’s General Attorney denounced that the process had no legal grounding and requested the complete annulment of the trial with no possibility of reopening the cause. The defense attorneys held that the process severely violated the right to a fair and equitable trial, as well as the principle of “there can be no penalty without law” as stated in article 7 of ECHR.